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Introducing MikroAdmin: The Future of Scalable MikroTik Management

Introducing MikroAdmin: The Future of Scalable MikroTik Management

on Wednesday 19 February 2025 Written by Stoil Stoilov

At StandByte, we believe in building solutions that make complex IT operations more efficient. That’s why we’re excited to introduce MikroAdmin, a powerful new platform designed to simplify MikroTik management at scale.

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Meltdown - what should we know? (An objective article helpful for non-technical people aswell)

Meltdown - what should we know? (An objective article helpful for non-technical people aswell)

on Monday 8 January 2018 Written by Stoil Stoilov

Security threats are some of the worst news in the IT world, but unfortunately they do occur every once in a while. Last weeks big news is Meltdown - what is now considered one of the worst security issues in the recent computer history. As it often happens such type of news often spread pretty fast and typically get over exposed to a point that can even compare to a mass panic.

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Success stories on cloud computing for small and medium business - Part 1

Success stories on cloud computing for small and medium business - Part 1

on Friday 3 November 2017 Written by Stoil Stoilov

I want to tell you some of the success stories we had with small sized businesses benefit from cloud computing and the main reason for this article is to make people believe that in 2017 cloud is no longer some fancy word or somethine to be scared, but it is rather something your business must start using.

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StandByte - a vision for new horizons

StandByte - a vision for new horizons

on Sunday 1 October 2017 Written by Stoil Stoilov

Do you ask yourself why do you go to work? At StandByte we are happy to know that we have the best reason to do it. We come to work for the future, the innovative technologies we develop and use everyday, the challenging projects that often bring up flame wars or emotional drafts on the whiteboard, the thrill to get access to cutting edge techs and the most important one - the idea that we are building the next generation technologies.

For the past few years we've got our hands on some pretty interesting works, from a variety of software development, through a masterpiece design for a cloud provider infrastructure and some tasks that started as just fun but rather grew into some good home automation stories. In all those stories that ended up in success we followed some simple rules - we've always innovated the way to do it, we spent a good time in research and development learning new stuff and we ended up adapting that knowledge, experience and ideas into the best solution for the client. We learned a lot and we definately had fun.

Today, we take a look forward. We see a future where technology will help more people around the world to communicate openly, to share knowledge and improve life. We believe that more than ever technologies get integrated into our daily life to evolve from the term Hi Tech to what we now call standard. At StandByte we believe that there's no evil side of technologies when you do it the right way for the good of people. That's why we will raise the bar.

We set new horizons to travel to and StandByte officialy expands operations in six focus areas - Networking Services, Software Development, Cloud Computing, Servers Adminstrations, IT Consulting and Knowledge Sharing, and Electronics. Already having access to great technologies, we now want to enable our clients by starting system design and integration services in these six service categories.

We want to build the future together, starting today!

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